Lilac - Female Border CollieLabrador Retriever Mix

Meet Lilac a 7 week old (born May 9) Border Collie Lab mix . Lilac loves to play eat sleep and snuggle. She is expected to weigh over 60 lbs when full grown. Lilac is working on house and crate training. She will be ready for adoption on July 11 but go ahead and get your application in now. If you are interested in meeting Lilac complete the Adoption Application on our website at and we will contact you. Adopters will need to live within an hours drive of St. Louis MO. Lilac s adoption fee is 250.00 which includes up-to-date vaccinations heartworm testing and preventative spay and microchip. We are a 100% foster-based rescue and all of our dogs live in approved foster homes. We are dedicated to finding the best Forever Homes and we will perform home visits and conduct veterinarian and reference checks for each potential adopter.



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