Shelly - Female HavaneseTerrier (Unknown Type Small) Mix

Shelly is a young (about a year) little 13 pound girl who appears to be Havanese or Shih Tzu and maybe terrier mix. Big black eyes and confident when she looks at you. She has a beautiful white and black non-shedding long coat which will require regular grooming. She came into rescue pregnant and her pups are now weaned. Shelly is very sweet when she gets to know you. She loves being petted and laying on your lap. She is the sweetest and most affectionate lap dog ever and is starting to feel more comfortable and relaxed when meeting new people and may or may not need coaxing. She is wary of young children because they move their bodies quickly. We have been working on this and so far she now accepts 10 and 12 year old gentle children. The 5 year old not so much. She does well with other dogs and was a good mom to her pups. Her potty training with a dog door is going very well. It appears she was previously pee-pad trained (or throw rug) and her foster mom has been converting her to peeing in the yard. She is smart and a fast learner but stubborn to change. When she came into rescue she was very stressed and licked everyone and everything but now that she has settled down more confident her licking has almost stopped. She is being trained to not do this and she is catching on. Shelly is being fostered in Roseville CA.All of our dogs are spayed neutered vet checked current on vaccinations microchipped groomed de-wormed de-flea d and come with lots of puppy kisses If you are interested in meeting and possibly adopting Shelly the first step is to submit an adoption application. Please go to our website -.------XX.- and click on Adopt which will take you to our online application form.... More Info



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