Penny - Female DachshundWestie West Highland White Terrier Mix

2-year-old Penny is ready to cast spell of love. She would do well in any home who wants a loveable cuddly little critter to accompany them throughout the day. This joyful and jubilant girl is all about her people and will crawl into your lap to give you kisses and just to be close to you. We recommend a Basic Manners class for Penny and her new family. Penny is ready to take the leap and fall head over heels in love with you Penny has a positive history with other dogs. We recommend Penny take a Basic Manners class where she can learn polite ways of seeking creature comforts in life. She currently weighs 12 pounds. Penny s adopter must be at least 18 years old with valid state-issued identification. ARF encourages family members to participate in the adoption process especially children and family dogs. Please visit ARF s web site for information on adoption and to view more cute canines.... More Info



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