Henry - Male Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

Hey friend My name is Henry and I am a 1-year-old black and tan Shepherd mix weighing 79-pounds. I m a big guy with a large personality to match I was transferred to the SPCA of Texas on May 25 from Texas Best Choices Animal Rescue for a better chance at finding a forever home. I m an active and energetic guy always seeking adventure. I love to play outside especially when I get to play fetch or with my best canine friend Luna. We just love to run and wrestle together I m also very smart and have been working with volunteers on learning commands like sit wait and lie down. Once I ve gotten my daily workout in I adore spending time with people and getting attention. When you pet me or hold my head I ll melt with pure bliss and a loving expression on my face. You won t be able to resist petting me even more I m a young fun and happy guy who wants nothing more than a family of my own to be a part of. I d love to find a family who shares my enthusiastic attitude and will spend lots of time with me. Together we can go on all sorts of adventures and I promise I ll never leave your side. I have been neutered microchipped and am current on all age-appropriate vaccinations. Come meet me today You ll fall in love with my charming personality Primary Color Black Secondary Color Tan Weight 70.4 Age 1yrs 1mths 0wks... More Info



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