Peter - Male Manx

Born in January 2015 Peter is a bob-tailed red tabby Manx. As with other Manx cats he runs like a bunny (or a little bear cub). He is low key and likes to play & cuddle. Peter & his litter mates were momma s boys and he still prefers to be the baby. His best friends is Clairee a white and calico van who is several years older. They play and she grooms him.He was once adopted very happily as an only cat with a man who had never lived with cats. They were very happy until the man found that he was extremely allergic. Both were very sad to lose each other but Peter is now content.He d likely be afraid of young & boisterous children but really enjoys affection & sleeping with his adult human. He s fearful of other cats and unfamiliar cat smells and growls when afraid so introductions to another cat will need to be slow.If you are interested in Peter and would like to fill out an application go to -X -.----.- adoption-forms cat-adoption.php . You may fax the completed application to -----X or mail it to HOPE at PO Box 273331 Houston TX 77277. Submitting an application does not obligate you to adopt but it initiates contact with us and gets the process started. If you have questions prior to filling out an application email us at -X(at)-----X and a volunteer will get back to you.... More Info



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