Sasha - Female American Pit Bull Terrier

Please contact Kathleen for more information about this pet.We do not have a facility to house the dogs in our program. They are all kept in foster homes until they are adopted. Therefore if you are interested in adopting from CCHS you have to complete an online application at -X -.--------X.- adoption-application.html and we will contact you asap about the status of your application.Adult Female American Pit Bull Terrier (Blue)Sasha is an adult blue American Pit Bull Terrier weighing in at 77 pounds. Unfortunately she is heart worm positive and has skin issues that causes her to chew on her rear end and tail but will begin treatments soon. Sasha is housebroken and kennel trained but can also free roam the house with no problems. She is good with other dogs but is not interested in playing and does not like them in her space so a single dog home may be best for her. Her stance on kids and cats is unknown. ... More Info



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