Lolly Poppy and Dino the Dynam - Female Domestic Mediumhair

Lollypop and Dino are sleek black kittens about 6 months old. They are sister and brother Lolly is slim and smaller than Dino.Lolly and Dino were trapped as wild kittens. Their mother taught them to hunt and to be wary of humans so they are not usual house cats. But they do like some people and are comfortable with them. They love to play either together racing around the house like crazy or with their special person who will fly a toy bird through the air or even wiggle a piece of grass in front of them. Lolly in particular is getting used to being touched during play and will even purr sometimes. It is likely in time that they would become more friendly and attached to their special human. But they will probably never be kitties to be picked up or to get used to strangers.Lolly and Dino would be excellent barn kitties who have a safe cozy barn home where their person will give them attention and care as well as daily food and water. They may even come around to enjoying living in the house with people where they have outside access and are not required to be friendly with random humans. They will be excellent protectors of the homestead to keep the rodents at bay.... More Info



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