Arrow - Male PointerLabrador Retriever Mix

Hi there My name is Arrow and I m the playful one of the bunch. I don t just sit back and watch the action I jump right in I have so much fun playing with my sisters and brother all day long that I wear myself out. I think napping is really important too. When I take a nap I like to flop out on my back so everyone can have a nice view of my belly. The humans around here seem to think that s pretty funny but you have to be comfortable to get a good sleep I love to play and really want a family that would be willing to play and run around with me a lot I am still learning about where to potty so my new family would need to be willing to help me out with that. I am eager to please and I can t wait to have a forever family Primary Color Chocolate Secondary Color Black Age 0yrs 6mths 1wks... More Info



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