Becca - Female Rottweiler

NEW BEGINNINGS SHEPHERD RESCUE Locations in Holly Hill and Pelzer SCSweet young girl about 18 months old Good with other dogs )Hi My name is Becca and I am a Rottie girl about 18 months old. I like to play a lot and at 68 pounds I can play a little rough sometimes. I like people and also other dogs ). I am spayed up to date on all shots heartworm tested and am negative and I am also up to date on heartworm preventative. I am a really nice girl who deserves a family of my very own to love......could that be you Please see below to inquire about how to make me your very own. Our dogs come from a variety of backgrounds and situations. Some of them may be fully trained while others will have no training. We test our dogs in as many situations as possible to allow us to supply you with as much information about the dog as possible this allows us to match the best dog with the best family. Many of these beautiful dogs have been family pets for their entire lives but have now lost their homes and families due to the state of the economy. Please help us find new loving forever homes for these wonderful pets they deserve a chance to have a wonderful new family and a New Beginning in their lives. If you are interested in adopting this dog please email -XX(at)-------XX we are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Our adoption applications are available at -.------X.-Thank you for rescuing ..........if you give them your heart they will give you theirs. If you are interested in adopting this dog please email -XX(at)-------XX we are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Our adoption applications are available at -.------X.- IF YOU HAVE SUBMITTED AN ADOPTION APPLICATION AND HAVE NOT HEARD FROM US....PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER.Thank you for rescuing ..........if you give them your heart they will give you theirs. GIVING NEW BEGINNINGS TO OLD FRIENDS... More Info



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