Dottie - Female Australian Cattle DogTerrier (Unknown Type Mediu

Darling Dottie is gentle little lady looking for a calm and loving human to show her how great having a family can be While we re not sure what this little cutie s past was like we don t think she has been able to experience the joy that comes from being loved and cared for every day. Dottie loves to just be held and she is classified by our volunteers as a leaner meaning that she will lay on her whole body against you in hopes that she will get some cuddles. She also loves to lay her head in your hands and close her eyes. While she may be shy at first Dottie would love for someone to give her the chance to warm up to them. She knows that her perfect family is out there somewhere and she can t wait to meet them. Could you be that family for our sweet Dottie Primary Color White Secondary Color Tan Weight 30.2 Age 0yrs 9mths 3wks... More Info



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