. Nancy Tremaine . - Female Domestic Longhair

DOB 04 16 2016 Nancy Tremaine is the feistiest of the Enchanted Kittens. She loves to play and is a rough and tumble girl but is also up for a good cuddle. Nancy is looking for her happily ever after. Is that you If you are interested in Nancy and would like to fill out an application go to -X -.----.- adoption-forms cat-adoption.php . You may fax the completed application to -----X or mail it to HOPE at PO Box 273331 Houston TX 77277. Submitting an application does not obligate you to adopt a cat but it initiates contact with us and gets the process started. If you have questions prior to filling out an application email us at -X(at)-----X and a volunteer will get back to you. ... More Info



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