INDIA - Female Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Check out India s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 06 05 india for more information and gorgeous photos. Looking for a more low-key affectionate pup India is your girl She is a mellow girl and simply wants to be by your side or relax on the couch when you re away. India is an absolute people lover her desire in life is to be close to her person. She will soak up all of the affection and will give it back to you ten-fold. The key to this dog s heart LOVE.High-energy dogs make India quite nervous and she would prefer a very mellow male if she is to share her home with another pup. If you are a single-dog home that works as well she would love to be your one and only There will be no need to get another dog to keep her company as her existence revolves around her human family. India wants to leave the days of being a mom in the past and beyond deserves to be treated like the princess she is. This marshmallow who is simply looking to be a loyal companion in exchange for love and kindness is guaranteed to melt your heart Don t miss your chance to be part of India s story one that ends with her living out her life as an indoor family companion as she always envisioned. Come meet her today and fill your home with tons of love PS We would love for her adoptive family to send us photos and updates of India living the high life with her family Not sure how to choose the right dog for your family Let PB SOC help We know our dogs and are happy to make recommendations based on your needs as they match up with the needs of the dogs. Visit PB SOC s Adoption page to learn more about our adoption counseling services. To expedite the process please fill out our application and email it to us at ------XX(at)---.... More Info



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