Roscoe - Male Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

Hi My name is Roscoe and I am a handsome 2-year-old male Shepherd mix weighing 50-pounds. My smooth fur coat is mostly white with large patches of black and tan all over. I have big brown eyes and a cheerful smile that will steal your heart. I came to the SPCA of Texas on April 28 when I was transferred from another shelter for a better chance at meeting my perfect family. I am a happy energetic dog looking to get the most out of life. I love to be outdoors go for walks and play with all kinds of toys. I have great stamina so if you re looking for a buddy to join you on long runs I m your guy I am very friendly and love to meet new people. I get so excited when you visit me and will give lots of kisses. Because of my high energy and zest for life I should do a meet and greet with any other dogs you have before you take me home. I have been neutered microchipped and am current on all of my age-appropriate vaccinations. I can t wait to find a family to love for the rest of my days. Could that be with you Come meet me today Primary Color White Secondary Color Black Weight 50.7 Age 2yrs 1mths 4wks... More Info



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