Feather - Male Domestic Shorthair

If you would like more information about Feather or are interested in adopting him please send an email to -----(at)---. Feather lives in the Los Angeles CA area.Feather is full of energy needs lots of attention and is a loving little guy. I am unable to care for him as I do not think I am providing him with enough attention every day. Feather is only a year old so is very active. He is a good communicator and will let you know when he is bored. The ideal home would have some children or possibly another cat to play with. He has not had a cat companion so would need to be introduced properly (as do all new cats into a home with pets). If you are looking for some fun and a good buddy to love Feather could be your cat. This animal posted is not under the care custody or control of Friends For Life and shall at no time be considered the property of Friends For Life. Friends For Life makes no claims to have evaluated the behavior or medical status of the animal posted. Friends For Life shall not incur any liability for any injury or damages to any person or property caused in the future by this animal nor from any causes of action claim or demand that may arise as a result of such injury or damage.This listing is strictly in the spirit of our commitment that providing support to the independent rescuer community is a valuable step on the path to a No Kill Houston. We know networking works and to the extent that we can provide a platform for animals to be seen and placed that is our intention.... More Info



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