LORETTA - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Visit Loretta s webpage at -XX ----X.- 2016 06 11 loretta-2 for gorgeous pictures and more Loretta is all about the base... What can we say This girl has curves and knows how to use them The first things you notice when you see Loretta are her fantastic ears and her wiggle butt that is going full speed. Don t let her kennel enthusiasm fool you though Loretta is an easy going girl who knows how to chillax. In fact she s quite the indoor enthusiast. If you want to take a hike Loretta thinks that s great but she ll wait for you at home on the couch.As much as she s perfected her couch potato-ness though we sure hope Loretta s new family will take her on plenty of walks. She s terrific on a leash and it would do her well to lose a few pounds and get her girlish figure back. Loretta likes her treats which is probably why she s so curvy. That said her love of chicken is going to make learning a snap. She already knows sit and we suspect she s got a few more tricks up her sleeve. She s very human focused dishes out kisses to all who will take them and loves a good lap to cuddle in. She also enjoys the company of boy dogs and would be happy to have a playful male canine in her forever home to party with.If you re looking for a true companion to spend your life with please consider this happy and sweet young lady. Come on down and meet her today ... More Info



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