Need a Website for your Car Dealership? - Price: $20 /month

Need a Website for your Car Dealership You can get a website for your car dealership for just 20 a month. Everything is included - there are no upsells. The pageBuzz website system offers a car dealer content management system to allow car dealers to manage vehicle inventory on their website. For just 20 a month used car dealers can build and manage their own detailed website with clean crisp thumbnail pages linking to full size photos of their inventory. Other website features include secure forms (e.g. to collect credit check information) shopping cart (e.g. to sell parts pay for services etc.) classified program photo gallery SEO tools help video and e-mail and phone support 7 days a week. The system also offers prebuilt templates or we help you use your own graphics. A full demo is available at & agentid jpdubois. You can test out the features before you sign up. Feel free to call with questions You can see sample websites by clicking on the Samples link at



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