Luxury 2485 sq. ft. villa in Greater Noida

Paramount Golf Foreste Noida is one of best and hottest residential project in Greater Noida. Paramount Golf Foreste Noida independent residential villa is located at prime location of Greater Noida. The Paramount Group is committed to build up its business keeping in view the overall betterment of the society. Paramount Golf Forest Noida sovereign residential villa is situated at prime location of Greater Noida. Golf foreste villa is tremendous villa based upon a modern concept. It provides all the basic necessities and some extra essential features. Golf Foreste Villas Amenities 24 Hrs. Power Back-up Spacious Rooms Outdoor playing facility. Chip & Putt Golf Course Clubs Cr ches children play areas Jogger s trail Social Clubs Cr ches children play areas Payment Plan - Size (sq.ft) Down Payment Flexi Plan 1742 sq. ft. includes 3 Bedroom Servant 3850 3950 2485 sq. ft. includes 3 Bedroom Servant 1Bedroom (expandable) 4350 4450 2452 sq. ft. includes 4 Bedroom Servant 3850 3950 3008 sq. ft. includes 4 Bedroom Utility terrace 4350 4450 For booking you can call us (at) 9540009070 Or visit our website or p-Paramount-Golfforeste-Villa-Zeta-1-Greater- Noida.aspx Address Propmind Realty Pvt. Ltd. First Floor C-13 Sector-4 Noida U.P. Pin Code 201301 Mob - 9540009070 Tel 0120-4224435



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