April- Courtesy Listing - Female American Pit Bull Terrier Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.COURTESY LISTINGTHIS IS NOT A BULLY PAWS DOG. COURTESY LISTINGS ARE LISTED BY THEIR CURRENT OWNERS OR RESCUERS AND HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY BULLY PAWS.IF THIS DOG IS CURRENTLY IN A RESCUE OR FOSTER HOME YOU WILL SEE THE CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW. IF THERE IS NO CONTACT INFORMATION LISTED PLEASE CONTACT OUR REHOMING COORDINATOR AT ---(at)----X. She is friendly to anyone that she meets and loves kids. Never barks or makes much noise. She loves to go for walks or chase a ball around the backyard then will come and take a nap on your lap. Housebroken good at learning commands and has no food aggression. But she is sadly not good with other animals. Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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