Flexible Caregiver/Companions hip.

To secure a Live-in or Live-out Caregiver position in a domestic setting with a stable environment that will lead to a lasting relationship.PROFILEA highly capable and dependable professional with good values compassionate heart and 5 years experience. Enthusiastic to get a caregiver position with a reputed organization delivering relevant expertise while making a difference everyday.KEY QUALIFICATIONS CPR First Aid Certified Possess valid driver s license and reliable vehicle with insurance Computer Word Excel Outlook and Internet Bilingual English and SwahiliAREAS OF EXPERTISE Medication Reminders Laundry Transportation Bath assistance Personal hygiene Housekeeping Meal Preparation Record keeping Errands Shopping_____________________________________ ___CAREGIVING EXPERIENCELive in CaregiverPerformed personal care for patients with Dementia Alzheimer Diabetes Autism etc Transported clients to and from appointments Supported in personal hygiene Helped clients in bathing and clothing Performed cooking feeding washing and cleaning tasks Shopped for food products on a day by day basis to give the client the best mealsKey Accomplishments Created and maintained a continuous fun environment for elderly______________________________________ __ADDITIONAL SKILLS Excellent attention to detail Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills Able to handle elderly and people with disabilitiesREFERENCES Upon request. Will be available to start immediately.



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