Lucy - Female Shar PeiGreat Pyrenees Mix

Hello I m Lucy pleased to meet you I m a 7-month old 57-pound black Sharpei Great Pyrenees mix. I came to the SPCA of Texas on November 6 with my sibling. Our previous owner didn t have enough time to give us due to work and school obligations so we are hoping that we can each find a wonderful family to be a part of. I not one to brag but I m quite a cute girl. I have the most expressive soulful eyes and my precious tiny ears just add to my charm. I have a super soft coat and a tail that curls up into a question mark. Volunteers have noted that I really enjoy treats and I am very gentle when I take them from you. I love going for walks as well. I have a wonderfully sweet and calm personality. My previous owner noted that I m a happy girl too. They mentioned that I already know several commands including sit stay and come. I m housebroken too but might need a little refresher after being in the shelter. I m a well-mannered girl who knows how to behave when left alone in the house. I have been spayed microchipped and have received all age-appropriate vaccinations. Will you come for a visit with me I would be so happy to meet you Love Lucy. Written by Gari-Ann SPCA of Texas Volunteer Primary Color Black Weight 60.6 Age 1yrs 2mths 3wks... More Info



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