Neo - Male American Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Neo is an adorable wiggle butt with so much love to give to the right home. When given the opportunity he will gladly lay his head in your lap and let you scratch him right behind the ears. He closes his eyes in appreciation and his tail gets going so fast he is about to take off He also loves to play fetch and will gladly chase tennis balls for as long as you are willing to throw them During his time at Faithful Friends Neo has become a volunteer favorite for his lovable and charming personality. When outside of his kennel he doesn t get worked up about much. He does terrific with cats dogs kids and probably just about anything else you could throw at him. He is very well mannered on a leash and responds quickly to commands. He is very eager to please you He is a little concerned when it comes to strangers with beards or hats but warms up very quickly if given a chance to meet them. Come in and meet Neo today Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Weight 54 Age 3yrs 6mths 0wks... More Info



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