Toby - Male Amazon

Toby formerly Tony was adopted from TGF in 2004. Toby was transferred to TGF in 2004 from Humane Society of Boulder Valley. Toby had been found outside taken to the shelter and never claimed. He was fortunate to find a wonderful home but after nearly 10 years Toby was returned to TGF on April 19 2013 due to major life changes with his adopters. He is still handsome as ever a bright and outgoing personality and is now in need of a sponsor or even better - a new home and family of his own. Toby is comfy with most everyone and enjoys social time his human flock. During the decade that Toby was with his last family he was an only bird. He s undergone a physical and diagnostic testing as it s been a couple of years since his last wellness exam. This species is native to Mexico. They are known for their curious and outgoing personalities their beautiful coloration and their highly social nature. Toby can be seen at our Acoma Street location.Toby is one chatterbox and he will thrive with a family of his own to talk about EVERYTHING Primary Color Green Secondary Color Red Weight 0.3 Age 22yrs 6mths 1wks... More Info



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