Buddy - Male Macaw

Buddy is an adult macaw aged beyond his years due to a history of a seed only diet some chronic sinus infections and years of living with smokers. He has some mild beak deformity as a result of the sinus infection and drainage over the years. He s in good feather excellent weight and has an appetite for nearly everything that s served to him. He has some hip knee arthritis due to previous caging perches and poor diet. Buddy is an observer. He s content to hang out with his friend a Blue and Gold and watch everything that s going on around him. The stimulation of the flock has been good for him and keeps him interested in his environment after many years of just sitting around and doing absolutely nothing interactive or physical. We d like some folks to show that Buddy s existence does make a difference and that he s got a permanent spot for his lifetime by supporting Buddy s cost of care. Primary Color Red Secondary Color Green Weight 1140 Age 33yrs 2mths 0wks... More Info



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