Maxine (max) - Male Macaw

Max came to TGF as a transfer from Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region in Colorado Springs. His owner left him with an adult daughter and her young children and never returned for Max. The daughter didn t want the bird around her kids advertised him on Craigslist and a caller referred her to HSPPR. For us Max s history is another fill in the blanks. We don t know much about him and are awaiting for the story to unfold it s one day at a time. We ve heard Max call night-night good-bye oops say peek a boo and watch his eyes flash when he s excited. He knows how to wave and say hi . He likes to laugh and murmurs many words that we still need to decode. He is a hearty eater and he is comforted by the calls of the other B& G macaws. Give him a nut or favorite treat and you ve got a dedicated friend. Until he s able to find a family to call home Max is in need a sponsor. Primary Color Blue Secondary Color Gold Weight 1281 Age 18yrs 5mths 4wks... More Info



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