Imperia Elvedor Gurgaon Sector 37C

In Gurgaon currently Imperia Group to attracts their customers are coming with their new commercial c-m residential project in Gurgaon called as Imperia Elvedor Sector 37C Gurgaon .This project is different from other projects of Imperia Group because this is a commercial c-m residential project which offers you a 1BHK and 2BHK apartments that are well designed and coupled with magnificent interiors. Not only this office or retail spaces are also offered within this township in a wide range of sizes and design. The project is well connected to major sectors of the city. The project offers world class amenities like gyms 70% green area parking area jogging track playing area and 100% power back up. So this type of project gives you world where every wish fulfills under the one roof. Type of Project Residential Location Sector 37C Gurgaon. Area 660SqFt to 900 Sqft BSP 5500per sqft to 6350sqft Availability-Available Typical Unit Apartments Bedrooms 1 2BHK Furnished Semi Furnished Broker Fee Yes Booking Open For more info please visit Call us now 9312353215 E-mail sales(at) SMS JMD ELVEDOR to 56161



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