4 mistakes most first time home sellers make | Orlando First Tim

Are you a first time home seller thinking about putting your home for sale in Orlando FL Like many first time home sellers you may have noticed that the real estate market in Orlando saw a significant increase in activity over the past 12 months. Maybe other first time home seller friends have sold their home for way more than you thought possible and now you want a piece of the action too The Orlando real estate market is great for first time sellers because of the over abundance of buyers. As a first time home seller it is very important that you prepare yourself for all the steps that it takes to sell your property. Whether you plan on selling the house for sale by owner or hiring a professional to do the work you should take care to avoid the 4 most common mistakes that first time sellers make when listing their house for sale.Find out what your Orlando home is worth 1) Staying emotionally attached to the home - This is the most common mistake that first time home sellers and all sellers in general make. They stay emotionally attached to the home and see value in things that may only be important to them. By removing yourself emotionally from the home you can begin to see it from the eyes of a potential buyer and enhance the showings to produce an offer.2) Overpricing the house - On almost all occasions first time sellers will think that if they price their house high they will get higher offers and therefore they will net more money. Well nothing can be further from the truth In the Orlando real estate market houses that are overpriced will usually sell for less than homes initially priced right. An over priced house will not receive many showings if any and will stale on the market. People will begin to wonder why it has not sold and the home seller will have to significantly reduce the price in order to sell it.3) Playing tour guide on all showings - First time sellers believe that since they have lived in the house for the past x number of years they should be the ones telling the potential buyers all about it This mistake ties into the first one because what ends up happening is that the home seller will give the potential home buyer too much information on aspects of the home the buyer may not care about. The seller will cause the buyer to lose any and all emotional attachment that was felt when they first walked into the home and consequently the chance for an offer.4) Not fixing minor details - This is a big one First time sellers think that since the needed repairs are minor the potential buyer will look at the big picture instead. Nothing can be further from the truth At the first semblance of poor maintenance buyers will begin to formulate a movie in their minds of an indifferent family who did not take care of their home. If many more of these minor details are found malfunctioning or in poor condition they will lose the emotional attachment needed to warrant an offer on the house. By avoiding these simple mistakes you will be one step ahead of other first time home sellers in the Orlando real estate market. Of course much more goes into a real estate transaction and these steps are just the tip of the iceberg in the sale of a home. If you are interested in finding out what your home is worth in Orlando or if you have questions about how to begin the home sale process give me a call at 407-925-4552 or email me at forchilles(at)gmail.com This article was originally posted by Francisco Orchilles on www.orlandohouseprices.com Francisco Orchilles Realtor First Time Home Seller Specialist forchilles(at)gmail.com 407-925-4552 www.orlandorealtylist.com www.orlandohouseprices.com Keller Williams Classic Realty 5979 Vineland Rd. Orlando FL 32819



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