Simba - Male Lionhead Mix

We are a truly Lucky Bunnies ....This is our story. . . . . We were rescued from Santee Alley LA Garment District where we were being bred and sold illegally at a mere 8 21 days old. Babies are supposed to stay with their mothers for at least 8 weeks. When taken from our mother our eyes were closed and we were deprived of colostrums from her milk we so desperately needed. After being seized by LAPD we were set to be euthanized at the LA Animal Shelter. Thankfully Bunny World Foundation took us in. There we were dewormed deflead given antibiotics and weaned for two months. Now we are strong enough to live on alfalfa timothy hay veggies and pellets. Adopt us now from Bunny World Foundation Please call (310) ---X. Lucky Bunnies For more information -.------XX.-... More Info



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