CHARLOTTE - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Check out Charlotte s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 06 13 charlotte-2 for more photos video and information.If there was a Miss America contest for dogs we know Charlotte would be this year s winner hands-down. Not only is she stunningly pretty she s also smart talented charming and oh so much fun. Yes that s right she s the complete package Charlotte is still a pup but she s on the petite and slender side and is likely to remain so. She s an elegant and sporty little girl who adores other dogs and plays with them in a fun but mannerly way. When corrected by other dogs she responds nicely and clearly wants to please. she s just an all-around silly sassy girl who is all about letting the good times roll. She also responds great to verbal corrections from people and with lots of positive feedback and treats she is a very quick study and ready to learn whatever you want to teach her. She also loves playing with toys and going for walks. Oh and rub-downs She adores those too.Charlotte is so very social with both people and other dogs--she s going to be a joy to have in the home and out and about around town. She is highly interested in people and craves affection from her very own person or family. She would be thrilled to always be at your side for all adventures great and small. Come meet this rock star girl today and see why she deserves the prize for all-around amazing pup.... More Info



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