Hershey - Female Pit Bull Terrier Mix

ADOPTION APPLICATION AVAILABLE AT WWW.PITCREW.ORGSo over the weekend we received an email from a nice young lady who had found a 5-6 week old Pit Bull Mix puppy hiding out in a chicken coop at her parents house. Yup you heard us right A CHICKEN COOP This poor little baby must have wandered in there looking for his litter mates and found solace with the chickens instead They believe that he had been dumped out there since it is in a remote area with lots of acreage. After seeing him we would have to agree. Poor little Hershey has the biggest hernia we have ever seen on a puppy so young ( it is 2 inches in diameter and his organs are pouring out if this giant hole in his stomach wall. As you probably know by now we are overfull and recent occurances have left many of our rescue dogs desperate for foster homes and we are not accepting any new dogs...but how could we resist Hershey clearly needed our help. We had the family bring him to our garage sale fundraiser where we dewormed him gave him his puppy shots bathed him and got him nice and settled. He is such a happy little guy it breaks our heart that he was out all alone in the cold and dark wandering around looking for someone anyone....he must have been terrified But true to Pitty nature he is not letting it bog him down. He was all tail wags and kisses upon arrival ) Hershey seemed like the perfect name since he is a tiny little chocolate-colored bundle of sweetness Hershey is great with the large dogs in the home (a little scared at first) but he has quickly attached himself to Porsha his foster sister and we aren t the least bit surprised. Porsha has a very calm nurturing energy about her and she had been dumped in a ditch while she was still producing milk before she was picked up by animal control. So the fact that she has taken our little Hershey kiss under her wing is no surprise to us They are quite the pair. He follows her everywhere and she plays with him ever so gently. Hershey will be going to the vet this week to find out the severity of his hernia and if he needs emergency surgery or it can be repaired when he is neutered. But either way he was completely unexpected and our funds are particularly tight right now. We have been fundraising in order to send Brooklyn to training and we are still 700 short of the total amount so a puppy needing hernia repair will definitely cost us a pretty penny. If you can spare 10 20 anything please consider making a donation to Pit Crew Sac so we can continue to save lives and get these innocent babies the medical care that they need.... More Info



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