AKC Labrador Puppies

AKC Labrador Puppies whelped May 17 2016. We have 1 Chocolate male 1 Chocolate female 3 Black males and 4 Black females available. The Sire Jack is a charcoal field dog his OFA ratings are Hips EXCELLENT Elbows NORMAL and Panel Testing is CLEAR. The Dam Bella is yellow 1 2 American & 1 2 English her OFA ratings are Hips GOOD Elbows Normal. We are currently taking deposits in the amount of 500. Puppy pick is in order of deposit placed. The puppies are 1200 for the black and 1500 for the chocolate with limited AKC registration. The pups come with a 2 year health guarantee dews removed microchip a months supply of NuVet and NuJoint Plus Vitamins vaccines and de-worming s will be current. We also provide Stud Service. Shipping available at new owner expense Pay Pal accepted please call 951-505-1188 ask for Robyn Located in Norco CA www.hatz-off-labradors.com



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