Kenzie - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Kenzie is looking for a perfect new home Here is what her parents have to say about this sweet girl Kenzie needs a new HOME Let me provide you with some detailed information about her. Terrier Mix Approx. 1 years old (estimated date of birth was 1 1 15) Approx. 45 lbs She has been spayed Has not had any medical issues and is current on her shots Has only eaten Taste of The Wild High Prairie and has not had any upset stomach issues Completely housetrained Crate Trained (however she no longer needs to sleep in her crate at night) Loves understands her bed and stays in her bed all night Trained to travel in vehicle with Dog Safety Harness Understands and performs basic dog commands (sit down come stay) She is smart and eager to learn new commands She has never chewed household items (furniture clothes shoes) Loves her toys and will retrieve Toy when requested Loves to watch TV at your feet watch you cook dinner or lay on shower mat while you shower She is fun loving happy and very willful She would be best as an only dog as she has exhibited aggression toward out 10 year old Beagle and other random dogs on occasion. We do not have children in our home but she has been around children and have not had any issues. We do not have cats in our home. She spends the majority of the day in our backyard and is in the house at night. We have used Albree Dog Training and Kenzie is able to attend the beginning class as many times as needed at no additional cost even if re homed. Please email right away if you would like to learn more about this dog......and visit our website -.---XX.- to learn more about our rescue group. Adoption fees range from 150- 250 for dogs. THE DOGS SHOWN ON THE SITE ARE IN FOSTERCARE - WE DO NOT HAVE A SHELTER TO VISIT. EMAIL is the best way to reach us.We are a volunteer run very small organization - so please be patient when waiting for a response but feel free to check back in if you haven t heard from us in a day or so - thank you so much for considering a rescued pooch ... More Info



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