Molly Shannon - Female Labrador Retriever

Please to inquire about receive an application for this animal NAME Molly Shannon AGE GENDER 5 years old female BREED Labrador Retreiver TEMPERAMENT Affectionate fun loving low key WEIGHT 55 lbs HOUSE TRAINING Fully housetrained and can hold it throughout the work day. CRATE TRAINING Molly is trustworthy loose in the house so a crate is not required. OTHER DOGS Molly seems to do well with other dogs and tends to ignore them. CATS Molly is living with a cat in her foster home and does well with the cat. CHILDREN Dog-respectful children 8 and older ADOPTION DONATION 375.00 HEALTH Molly has issues with her knees and had had surgery in the past. She hasbeen seen by an orthopedic surgeon who does not think Molly is a candidate for surgery. She has received platelet therapy which is a one time treatment. Molly would do best in a home with limited stairs for her to outside. She should be on a strict diet which will improve her mobility. Molly is spay neutered microchipped flea treated dewormed and is current on vaccines. Your adoption donation goes toward the cost of this vet care as well as transportation and general care costs. In addition all pets adopted from Motley Zoo come with 30 days of free pet insurance provided by Shelter Care. HISTORY Motley Zoo Animal Rescue was asked to find Molly a great forever family and that is exactly what we plan to do NOTES FROM NAME S FOSTER HOME Molly is a great companion loves to chew on toys roll in the grass go for short walks fetch balls and hang out. Her knees are not the greatest so she acts like an older dog and needs to sit down at times. She s a little overweight and so she needs to have her food measured and no table scraps or extras. Any additional weight would be even harder on her knees. She s friendly with other dogs and people. She only gets riled up when she s defending her yard and then she will bark. She likes to dig holes not trying to escape but loves the dirt. She plays for hours chewing on stuffed toys. She s a good sleeper and lets me sleep undisturbed. She can t jump up on people or the counter. She sometimes needs to be lifted into the car. She has a sweet sweet face and really appreciates any attention she is given. All dogs adopted from Motley Zoo come with a leash and either a Martingale collar or a harness depending on each dog s particular needs. Welcome to Motley Zoo Animal Rescue. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue organization that is run entirely by volunteers. Motley Zoo does not have a brick and mortar shelter location. Instead all our rescue animals are cared for in private foster homes where the animals receive one-on-one care and attention in a home environment until permanent placement is found. Please email -XX(at)----X and request an adoption application and we will work toward approving you as an adopter with our rescue so that we can set a time for you to meet For more information please visit -.---.-. Thank you for considering adopting a dog in need Woof The Motley Zoo Crew... More Info



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