Matilda Ledger - Female Australian Shepherd

Please to inquire about receive an application for this animal NAME Matilda Ledger AGE GENDER 2 years Female BREED Australian Shepherd Mix TEMPERAMENT Energetic Affectionate Wary WEIGHT 44 lbs HOUSE TRAINING Good. She goes to the door (but sometimes she goes to the door just to go outside). CRATE TRAINING Good. She s crated at night and sleeps through the night. OTHER DOGS Good. She will need continued socialization as she is nervous of bigger dogs and likes to play with smaller dogs but can be a little too exuberant in play. She can give mixed signals. CATS Good. She pretty much ignores them. CHILDREN Dog-respectful children 12 and older . Matilda loves children but she needs someone in the home who can read and observe dog behaviors. ADOPTION DONATION 375 HEALTH Matilda is spayed microchipped flea treated dewormed and is current on vaccines. Your adoption donation goes toward the cost of this vet care as well as transportation and general care costs. In addition all pets adopted from Motley Zoo come with 30 days of free pet insurance provided by Shelter Care. HISTORY Motley Zoo Animal Rescue was asked to find Matilda a great forever family and that is exactly what we plan to do NOTES FROM FOSTER HOME Matilda will need another dog in the home. She likes the companionship of another dog and needs a role model a mentor. Another dog who is confident and mindful. She would not do well in the alpha role or as a companion to another fearful dog. Matilda is wary of strangers but warms up quickly Proper introductions are very important as she can easily feel threatened and get overwhelmed. Matilda needs to learn manners as she still pulls on a leash and jumps when greeting people will knock children down to steal their food. She is also mouthy and obviously had not been taught how to play with people differently than dogs so very puppy-like in that regard. She would require a home with a fenced yard as she is a runner and when bored can be a bit vocal so would not be an ideal candidate for an apartment townhome condo setting with thin walls and close neighbors. She is energetic and loves to run and play. She loves being outside so is a great companion for hiking and jogging once she learns better leash manners. Matilda needs an experienced home with handlers familiar with herding breeds and their intelligence as well as someone experienced with dog behaviors as she does and can guard food and resources like a her bed and fear-based issues. She can be corrected as she is eager to please and otherwise is a sweet girl who loves to give kisses and affection. She loves to be with the people she trusts and is a happy playful girl. But she can be overwhelmed with too much stimulation so dog parks would be avoided. Matilda Ledger has the potential to be an amazing dog but unfortunately was not given the proper socialization and training as a puppy. She will need a home dedicated to helping her reach her full amazing potential All dogs adopted from Motley Zoo come with a leash and either a Martingale collar or a harness depending on each dog s particular needs. Welcome to Motley Zoo Animal Rescue. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue organization that is run entirely by volunteers. Motley Zoo does not have a brick and mortar shelter location. Instead all our rescue animals are cared for in private foster homes where the animals receive one-on-one care and attention in a home environment until permanent placement is found. Please email -XX(at)----X and request an adoption application and we will work toward approving you as an adopter with our rescue so that we can set a time for you to meet For more information please visit -.---.-. Thank you for considering adopting a dog in need Woof The Motley Zoo Crew... More Info



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