Roxette - Female Chihuahua

NAME Roxette AGE GENDER 8 years Female BREED Chihuahua TEMPERAMENT Calm quiet and loving WEIGHT 8 lbs HOUSE TRAINING Good CRATE TRAINING TBD OTHER DOGS Her ideal environment would be as an only dog or with another low energy or older dog. In foster care she is around 5 other dogs and has no interest in playing with them. She will tell them so as long as they give her a little space she is happy and relaxed. CATS her foster s cat makes an appearance now and then and Roxette could really care less. CHILDREN Dog-respectful children 8 and older ADOPTION DONATION 325 HEALTH Roxette is spayed microchipped flea treated dewormed and is current on vaccines. Your adoption donation goes toward the cost of this vet care as well as transportation and general care costs. In addition all pets adopted from Motley Zoo come with 30 days of free pet insurance provided by Shelter Care. HISTORY Motley Zoo Animal Rescue was asked to find Roxette a great forever family and that is exactly what we plan to do NOTES FROM FOSTER HOME Are you looking for love and companionship Roxette is your girl. We call her Roxy because her enormous and gorgeous ears remind us of a fox. She was a bit shy at first but in the short time we have come to know her her personality has really blossomed. She is very sweet and loving and enjoys hanging with her people although she can also be comfortable alone when necessary. She is very quiet so would be suitable for many home environments including those with close neighbors She has also had the opportunity to be around other dogs and while she tolerates them I believe her ideal home would be as the only dog. She isn t highly active so her ideal match would be with someone who has the time to provide her with lots of love and attention and who also enjoys being at home with her. On occasion she will display a surge of high energy usually bolting back into the house at a high rate of speed after her potty break from outside. Needless to say she really appreciates a nice warm sweater or coat when she is outdoors. All dogs adopted from Motley Zoo come with a leash and either a Martingale collar or a harness depending on each dog s particular needs. Welcome to Motley Zoo Animal Rescue. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue organization that is run entirely by volunteers. Motley Zoo does not have a brick and mortar shelter location. Instead all our rescue animals are cared for in private foster homes where the animals receive one-on-one care and attention in a home environment until permanent placement is found. Please email -XX(at)----X and request an adoption application and we will work toward approving you as an adopter with our rescue so that we can set a time for you to meet For more information please visit -.---.-. Thank you for considering adopting a dog in need Woof The Motley Zoo Crew... More Info



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