Hardwood Flooring-Quality and Beauty Jobs by the Proffesionals G

PHONE 2O6-458-I898 CEL OFFICE 425-533-622O With over ten years experience in the hardwood flooring industry Elegant Hardwood Floors is your complete source for all your hardwood flooring needs. We are fully licensed bonded and insured for your protection. We specialize in high-quality hardwood flooring installation sanding refinishing and repair. We also specialize in wood laminate and engineered wood flooring installation as well as custom hand rails treads and raisers quarter round baseboards and buff and re-coat. We have very reasonable rates. Our friendly staff is professional responsible reliable and punctual. You can count on Elegant Hardwood Floors for all your hardwood flooring needs. Below is the list of our residential and commercial services New Installations Sanding and Refinishing Color Staining Repairing of Damaged or Missing Flooring Stair-Treads and Risers Laminate and Prefinished Base Boards and Quarter Round Installation Buffed and Recoats ...



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