Calvin Harris - Male Chihuahua

NAME Calvin Harrie AGE GENDER Young (born 5 31 2015) Male BREED Chihuhua TEMPERAMENT Playful and mischievous WEIGHT 10 lbs and growing HOUSE TRAINING Calvin has just come off of crate rest due to his surgery. He is pee pad training and now beginning to work on going outside. CRATE TRAINING Calvin is fine with spending time in his crate. OTHER DOGS Good He really enjoys the compnay of other dogs. He is finally able to play with the dogs in his foster home and loves it CATS Good Continued socialization will be important CHILDREN Dog-respectful children 8 and older ADOPTION DONATION 400 HEALTH Calvin has had a rough start to life. He survived parvo as a puppy and just recently was hit by a car. His owners could not afford care so he was surrendered to a veterinarian. Luckily we were called and we stepped in to take over Calvin is a tripod and once healed will live a long happy life. Check back for updated information on how Calvin is learning to live life with 3 legs. Prior to adoption puppies will be altered microchipped flea treated and dewormed. Puppies are given vaccination boosters in our care however adoptive families will be responsible for the remaining vaccinations that puppies need. Your adoption donation goes toward the cost of this vet care as well as transportation and general care costs. In addition all pets adopted from Motley Zoo come with 30 days of free pet insurance provided by Shelter Care. HISTORY Motley Zoo Animal Rescue was asked to find him a great forever family and that is exactly what we plan to do NOTES FROM NAME S FOSTER HOME Calvin is a very sweet and affectionate dog who likes to be around people and dogs. He is very friendly and inquisitive and likes to be held an cuddle when people are around. He only seems to bark when he hears noises outside but quiets down when you ask him. His forever family should be committed to lots of training - obedience housetraining and socialization. This will ensure that Calvin grows into a confident well behaved adult Puppies personalities are dependent on their environment and the structure and training they are given in addition to socialization. Their personalities continue to grow and be shaped by their new adoptive families. Puppy daycare and socialization classes or puppy kindergarten are highly recommended for their personal development. He will more than reward you for all your hard work with lots of love loyalty and laughs. All dogs adopted from Motley Zoo come with a leash and either a Martingale collar or a harness depending on each dog s particular needs. Welcome to Motley Zoo Animal Rescue. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue organization that is run entirely by volunteers. Motley Zoo does not have a brick and mortar shelter location. Instead all our rescue animals are cared for in private foster homes where the animals receive one-on-one care and attention in a home environment until permanent placement is found. Please email -XX(at)----X and request an adoption application and we will work toward approving you as an adopter with our rescue so that we can set a time for you to meet For more information please visit -.---.-. Thank you for considering adopting a dog in need Woof The Motley Zoo Crew... More Info



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