JUNIPER - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Check out Juniper s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 06 19 juniper for more information and gorgeous photos. Major squish alert This tiny chocolate nugget may look like a puppy but she is actually a full-grown girl. Juniper honestly just could not get any cuter. With her elegant dark brown coloring and her silky coat she s an eye-catching girl but it s her tiny stature that s especially irresistible. Oh and her sweetheart personality That s what will finally do you in. She is a major softy and she finds the shelter scary but oh how she wants to play and have fun. She ll absolutely blossom away from the stress of the shelter.Juniper adores everyone she meets and will crawl right up in your lap if you let her. She s wonderfully lap-sized and she s oh so eager to bond and be loved on and adored. This girl deserves a wonderful home that will pamper and love the heck out of her. She walks nicely on a leash but one problem with taking her out for walks is that everyone you pass may have to stop you so they can love on her. She s really that cute. She s likely to be a celebrity in the neighborhood. Juniper is highly treat-motivated too and she tries real hard to keep her sweet bottom on the ground for a sit so she can get a treat--but oh sometimes she just has to give your knees a hug before she sits.Looking for the sweetest little nugget this side of the Rockies Look no further. She s at the shelter just waiting for her forever love to come along.Not sure how to choose the right dog for your family Let PB SOC help We know our dogs and are happy to make recommendations based on your needs as they match up with the needs of the dogs. Visit PB SOC s Adoption page to learn more about our adoption counseling services. To expedite the process please fill out our application and email it to us at ------XX(at)---.... More Info



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