3 Year Old Male Pit Bull Looking for a Home

King is an active boy who loves to run and play who can fetch sit drop and comes when called. He does need a secure yard with high fences but his long legs make King a very good-looking boy. Everyone comments on how handsome he is he s a real head turner especially with his mismatched eyes. He is also great with other medium large dogs and he just loves riding in the car especially with his head out the window. He is a constant loyal companion and who is happiest snuggled up with you and a blankie in the evening. He does not do well with small animals or small dogs but loves to play and socialize with new people and medium large dogs once he gets to know them. He s a goofy bundle of enthusiasm so he needs to join a family with adults or older children. If think you have the perfect home for King we d love to hear from you All shots are up to date. Intact 3-year-old male pit bull. Housebroken and knows basic commands (sit stay come).



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