Zita - Female DachshundJack Russell Terrier Mix

Zita is the name and being the most adorable dog you ve ever met is my game Give me a chance to show you my puppy dog eyes and my wiggly bottom and I promise you will be in love Before I came to live at the Adoption Center I stayed at a foster home so my mom there learned a few things about how I might be in your home. I loved to snuggle up in the bed at night. I want to be really close to you I also didn t have any accidents in the house I like to play but only for short periods of time. Then I just want to lay around and hang out. I like playing with friends my own size but I wouldn t mind being your one and only either. I keep things simple like that If you think that I m the coolest dog you ve ever heard of (how could you not ) then come and meet me so we can start our new life together Primary Color Black Secondary Color Tan Weight 22.8 Age 3yrs 2mths 0wks... More Info



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