Freckles - Male Hound (Unknown Type) Mix

Do you enjoy easy strolls around the neighborhood Do you need a friend to follow you around while you work in your house yard etc Then Freckles could be the boy for you This handsome fella my be getting up in the years but don t let that get you down. He still has plenty of energy to go on long walks and get around the house. Freckles came to Faithful Friends when his original owner passed away and the family was unable to keep him. He is fully house trained great with other dogs and exceptionally well mannered. You can do about anything with this guy and he doesn t mind With Freckles you don t have to worry about potty training him him jumping up on you or other people or chewing on things. He s basically the perfect dog So what are you waiting for Come meet Freckles today Primary Color Tri Color Weight 80 Age 9yrs 0mths 2wks... More Info



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