Presa canario puppies for sale

Papered Presa Canario Pups. 105 brindle. 5 fawn. They have received 2 of the 3 parvo shots. When full grown Females weigh between 80lbs-110lbs and stand 21-25 inches tall. Males weigh between 110lbs-130lbs and stand 23-26 inches tall These dogs are gentle and awesome with kids making them the perfect family dogs. With that said they are also the perfect guard dog. This breed of dog is great with other animals but need to be socialized at a young age. These pups in particular have been raised with 3 other Presa Canarios (two males and one female) and two kittens. They are extremely smart and docile making them easy to train. These dogs work to please their owners. 1500 for pet quality (no breeding rights contract) companion. If you are interested in a specific color gender or size you can contact us for more pictures. Wyatt (775)385-5052



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