MULAN - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Check out Mulan s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 06 17 mulan for more information and gorgeous photos.We haven t seen brindle coloring as pretty as Mulan s in a long time. With her soft and smokey fawn brindle coat and her golden eyes this girl turns heads wherever she goes but it s her affectionate fun-loving personality that will win your heart. She appears to have been a mama in the recent past and it is certainly the time of year when we see mama dogs abandoned after their puppies are weaned but Mulan hasn t let that situation get her down at all. She is a vivacious friendly girl with people and will approach everyone she sees for affectionate greetings.Milan walks nicely on a leash after about 10 minutes or so out of her kennel to get out her extra energy. She settles into a happy walking groove and would love to be someone s partner for walks about the neighborhood. She already knows how to sit nicely for treats and she loves treats so much she will even put her front paws up while sitting as if to beg. It s adorable. With her gorgeous looks and her fun-loving nature she s sure to bring lots of joy to your life. Come meet Mulan and spend some time in a play yard with her her she can show off what a love bug she truly is.Not sure how to choose the right dog for your family Let PB SOC help We know our dogs and are happy to make recommendations based on your needs as they match up with the needs of the dogs. Visit PB SOC s Adoption page to learn more about our adoption counseling services. To expedite the process please fill out our application and email it to us at ------XX(at)---.... More Info



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