Commercial Apartment in Gurgaon

Dynamic and a bunch of go-getters is the team at Bharat & Co. that finds inspiration in new challenges. At Bharat & Co. it is all about never settling for the next to be best. An environment where we GPL Eden Heights treasure our people we celebrate our similarities and rejoice our differences for a better tomorrow. With each professional Elan Miracle milestone we commit ourselves to do something bigger and finding a cause for our people. We think that s what performing with purpose and for a purpose is all about. New Elan Group Properties in South Gurgaon markets mean new ways of doing business and new ways of adding a spark to the dynamic culture at Bharat & Co. Every day is an adventure and an opportunity for personal and professional Retail Space Food Court Multiplex growth with the vibrant progressive and spirited team.Website - www.bharatandcompany.inEmail us - bharatandco(at)gmail.comContact Us - 7042367079Addd Us - F 392 GF Sushant Lok Phase 2 Golf Course Ext. Road Sector- 57 Gurgaon - 122002 Haryana



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