Nedra (NORTHGLENN) - Female Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

Nedra (NORTHGLENN) is a 12 week old mixed breed This puppy has been in foster care learning manners kennel training and housebreaking. We would love for you to meet this puppy and see if it might be a good fit for your home. The first step is our adoption application at -.----.-. This puppy is current on vaccinations for his her age microchipped and spayed or neutered. Unless otherwise specified adoption events are hosted every SATURDAY at the Northglenn Petsmart (10600 Melody Dr Northglenn 80234) from 10am-1pm. For additional questions regarding meeting this puppy please contact us via text email at -.-.-X or -X(at)-----X. Unfortunately due to a high volume of calls voicemails regarding adoption will not be returned.Thank you for choosing adoption If you would like more information on our organization please visit our website at -.----.-.... More Info



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