Maggie - Female Chow ChowRetriever (Unknown Type) Mix

RED CARPET NEWS It s May - Her name is Maggie - and Rod Stewart wrote a song named Maggie May I d say the lyrics are spot on too You lured me away from home just to save you from being alone. You stole my heart That s what Maggie is looking for someone s heart to steal In fact Maggie would do best as the sole Queen of her Castle and bestow all her attention on her person And since the Queen never had kids of her own she prefer her humans be adults.Oh and what a grand life you could lead together wonderful walks thru her neighborhood starring in her own photo shoots and trips with you to Starbucks and her own Puppuccino What maybe her own Facebook page even Oh the Diva-life Ms. Maggie is a young starlet at only 3-4 yrs old beautiful flowing red locks of hair healthy and full of life Please contact her agent now to arrange a special VIP meeting with this girl. Email ---XX(at)----X... More Info



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