Buck - Male BloodhoundGreat Pyrenees Mix

Big beautiful Buck is just a puppy- happy fun and energetic- he will fill out to be a big boy. At 7 months old he is around 70 lbs already and is still a bit on the thin side. He is healthy has a wonderfully soft and fluffy coat- much like a cat or a rabbit- he s friendly and seems to get along with other dogs just fine- loves people Loves kids and gets along with cats but be aware that he would tend to knock small children to the ground unintentionally He will be neutered by the end of May and then will be ready for his forever home. Currently he is fostered near Disney. To set up a meet and sniff just email us. His adoption fee is only 275 which includes all of his vaccinations deworming microchipping rabies shot and neutering.... More Info



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