Princess - Female ChihuahuaTerrier (Unknown Type Small) Mix

I weigh about 10 lbs and I m about 3 years old My adoption fee is 250.00I was in a rough spot before I came here and now I get meals a bed and nice people. I m still a little scared and I can be a timid so a walk in the park feed me a treat call me your friend and pretty soon I will be on your lap giving kisses. I really like peace and quiet so a place that s serene is better than a loud place. I do really well with other pets though as long as they are nice. (Check out my video I love to play ) I really am ready to enjoy life my name says it all Princess What Chihuahua Rescue Says Princess is very sweet and obviously craves human interaction but for some reason trust is an issue with her. She will need an adopter that understands that it will take time and an experienced trainer to work with her to gain the trust she needs to come out of her shell. She takes treats from you wagging her tail lays in bed and on the couch with you but she will not let you touch her.... More Info



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