Snoopy - Male Chihuahua

Snoopy dog here I m happy and outgoing I LOVE a walk and plain old social time. I am not a fan of car rides or kennels I have good manners though so kennels are not a big deal for me. As far as having me out and about you can see how handsome I am and well everyone LOVES me I can be a little protective of my person (whoever that may be at the moment) but I warm up pretty quickly. I really am a happy guy. I ve got some maturity on my side so I been around the block a few times. My person decided that they longer had time for me all the kids were grown and gone and the big people were occupied with other things. So I was home BY MYSELF way too much. I was pretty lonely. I really am looking forward to a home where someone is there for me and is going to be happy to have me around. I m a good boy Let s meet up OK Chihuahua Rescue says Snoopy is a young 10 year old male who is a happy fellow up to date on vaccines and is neutered and house trained. He has a heart murmur that will most likely need some attention in the future but for now he is stable and not symptomatic with exercise. Snoopy is about a 10 dog he is approximately 10 years old and his adoption fee is 250.... More Info



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