Get the Meaning and Significance of Swastik by Vinayak Bhatt

The Swastikis a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon. Swastik has been Sanatan Dharma s symbol of auspiciousness mangalya since time immemorial. The Name Swastika comes from Sanskrit (Devanagari pronounced swastik) and denotes conducive to wellbeing or auspicious. In a line from Dhruva the starts known as Saptarishi can be observed. Saptarishi Means Seven Rishis (sapta - rishis). In the present yuga of Vaivasvat Manu the seven rishis areGautam Bhardhvaj Vishvamitra Kashyap Jamadagni Vasishtha Atri A smaller start lies next to Vasishtha which is Arundhati his wife. These Saptarishis revolve (perform pradakshina) around Dhruva. Our ServicesYagya & PujaAstrology ConsultationVedic MantraOrganize Vedicgrace Astrology ProgramAnd Many More ADDRESSVedicgrace Foundation Noida First floor East Avenue Grand Barola Sector-49 Noida 201307 Uttar Pradesh India CONTACT NO 91-9899383340 E-Mailinfo(at)



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