blown glass for sale and custom work available - Price: $1 and u

I am a glassblower looking for commissions to do to keep me in business working in glass. I teach anyone above the age of 10 in the art of glassblowing as well. Group lessons and group demonstrations available. Experience Blowing Glass GRT Glass Design charges 60 per hour for one person or 50 per person per hour and usually we do 2 hour lessons to begin.If you get a group of 10 to 15 together we can do a lesson at 40 per person where each person walks away with a wonderful paperweight heart pumpkin or a couple of flowers. Usually on the first lesson we go through paperweights and flowers if you continue on we will get into learning the process of how to blow glass on the second glass blowing lesson in the hot shop.I have been instructing students above the age of 10 in glassblowing since 2004 and I enjoy training people to work in this wonderful medium. I will help you create things that your friends and family will enjoy for years to come. It is always nice to make your own gifts with my assistance and in time we can make some really great stuff.All private lessons will be scheduled through me but pre-paid at the front desk at GRT Glass Design or you can buy a gift certificate for a wonderful present.Experience Fusing Glass 100 for a firing in my kilnLearn to fuse glass in my studio at the Harrison Center. Anyone above the age of 8 is welcome to come and try out fusing for themselves. Very safe and a wonderful experience for everyone to learn about the properties of glass. 100 for a firing where I will teach you and anyone you bring in how to fuse glass. I will let you make a few small fused pieces using my shards cane murrini and other scraps that I have been collecting. It will take me 20 minutes to teach you the process then you can load up the oven with your creations and then we will fire it to 1450 degrees and you will get your pieces back the next day. Great experience for everyone to learn about the medium.Portable glass studio available as well



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